Industry News

Houshi Industrial Switch Builds Network Security and Stable Line of Defense

Currently, there are many vulnerabilities and threats to basic network security in China. As enterprises accelerate the process of going to the cloud, cloud services have gradually become the primary attack target for network security. Malicious attacks against important networks are frequent, and attacks against important information systems, basic applications, and common components are more active. The leakage of website information and personal information is still severe. Mobile application leaks are gradually becoming a new subject of information leakage, network security governance still faces many serious challenges.

"Information Security Technology - Basic Requirements for Level Protection of Network Security" was issued by the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration on May 10, 2019 and officially implemented on December 1, 2019, referred to as "Classified Protection 2.0" for short.

The objects of Level protection are network infrastructure, information systems, big data, the Internet of Things, cloud platforms, industrial control systems, mobile internet, intelligent devices, etc.

The core of Level protection is hierarchical protection, management norms, and technical standards. The requirement for classified protection is to organize enterprises and individuals to provide hierarchical security protection for information systems, supervise and manage the implementation of security protection, so as to ensure the basic security of the security information system.

In order to promote the implementation of standards, Houshi Network Technology has proposed adaptation protection solutions such as Industrial Switches based on a trusted digital network architecture, which can assist users in establishing an integrated network security defense system that integrates "defense and control", actively defending, and meeting the security expansion requirements of cloud computing, mobile internet, industrial control systems, and the Internet of Things.


We follow the GB/T22239 level protection standard, and on the premise of meeting the standard requirements, it conducts technical breakthroughs and innovation based on the standard to achieve security reinforcement of industrial switch systems, which is specifically manifested in the following aspects:

1. Realize user identity authentication technology for accessing industrial switch systems, conduct rule processing for password complexity, regularly process and set the usage cycle of passwords, and intelligently detect the usage status of passwords. The implementation of this feature greatly improves the security of password management for access users, reducing the risk of passwords being compromised or being compromised due to poor management.

2. Implement the login attempt detection processing function and login timeout setting function. When the number of failed login attempts reaches the security rules, the failed account will be automatically locked for a period of time. Prevent malicious and violent attempts. After implementing this function, it significantly avoids the chance of being subjected to brute force cracking tools to break passwords.

3. Realize the division of permissions for system management accounts, achieve the separation of three rights in system management, and achieve three role accounts. One role can be configured with multiple accounts, achieving one person and one account. After implementing this function, the high-level operation permissions and general maintenance permissions of the system are clearly decentralized, and the general maintenance account cannot have a significant impact on the system.

4. Achieve traceability of system management security user names and passwords for modification and deletion, and enable all system security management accesses to be queried and analyzed. After implementing this function, it is convenient to trace the source and remove obstacles when there are abnormalities in the system, reducing potential safety hazards.

5. Implement security log audit, log record traceability, system security management, and function addition, deletion, and modification. The audit log contains audit elements such as date, time, type, subject identifier, object identifier, and result. After implementing this function, it is convenient to trace the source and remove obstacles when there are abnormalities in the system, reducing potential safety hazards.

6. Implement audit function protection functions to ensure the integrity of audit records. 1) Non audit accounts cannot manage policies such as audit log range. 2) Realize storage cycle setting and support time setting; Improve storage capacity settings to ensure the storage security of critical audit logs.

7. Achieve controllable trust access improvements, use security access control rules, restrict login hosts to a whitelist, and support login restrictions for whitelist access. After implementing this function, the possibility of unsafe devices accessing the network for configuration management is ruled out, and the probability of on-site attack prevention is strictly guaranteed.

8. Realize encrypted storage of key password information of system accounts, and save it using encryption technology based on national secret encryption technology. After implementing this function, even if sensitive information on the network is captured and monitored, it cannot have a direct impact.

9. Implement security protection and improvement of industrial switch systems, defend against malicious attacks, achieve illegal packet filtering, storm suppression, resist flooding attacks (including Pingflood, SYNflood, Landattack, Teardrop, TCP attacks with illegal Flags, etc.), and ARP attack defense. Optimize defense strategies to achieve automatic awareness and defense.

10. Implement national secret encryption technology for audit record content, protect audit content from malicious theft, and continuously interact with the nuclear power management platform.

11. Realize real-time monitoring of data network transmission process and risk detection and early warning, sense on-site dynamics in real time, support no less than 20 different on-site diagnostic intelligent outputs, and report early warning information through encryption technology to the management window.

The Houshi Industrial Switch Level Protection 2.0 solution is based on a "dynamic security" architecture that integrates network and security. Based on compliance, it integrates the scenario based security concept into user compliance and actual security challenges, providing users with a "one-stop" security evolution. In terms of network security, our Industrial Switch provides many security functions and features to help protect the network from various threats, which is of great significance for building a secure and reliable enterprise level network infrastructure.


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